A message from Superintendent Kaweeda G. Adams - 11/1/17

Kaweeda G. Adams

The Family Engagement Survey

As the City School District of ÉðÊ¿Âþ»­ continues to work through the Diagnostic Tool for School District Evaluation (DTSDE) Review that the State Education Department has required of our schools, we are interested in your perspective as an important part of that work. Our family/school relationships and partnerships are central to your students’ success.

We are asking that you participate in (para español ).

The password is ÉðÊ¿Âþ»­.

To read this letter in additional languages, please follow these links:

The survey will be open through Dec. 22. The survey is easy to complete. Just click on the link and enter the password ÉðÊ¿Âþ»­. The survey has 50 questions that are rated on a five-part scale. There also are three open questions for you to offer your comments. All survey responses are anonymous; respondents are not identified. We ask that there be one survey per household.

Additionally, we also will ask all of our staff as well as our students in grades 3-12 to complete surveys. This will allow us to have a comprehensive database important for our planning.

We have selected PLC Associates Inc. to administer these assessments, compile the data and provide comprehensive reports that will be helpful in our planning. PLC Associates has worked with hundreds of schools and is a certified provider of these instruments by State Ed. The company abides by a strict code of conduct in administering these surveys.

We appreciate your assistance in completing this important survey.  If there are questions or if you need clarification, please contact our Office of Curriculum and Instruction at (518) 475-6060. Parents and guardians are such an important part of what we do, and we are grateful to you for taking the time to respond. We look forward to your input.

Yours in education,

Kaweeda G. Adams

Superintendent of Schools